Electronic Signature with Puente SIGN

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Electronic Signature with PuenteSIGN

The electronic signature is the method recognized by current legislation to digitally obtain consent, validation, or agreement on forms, documents, or contracts. A trusted third party is required to authenticate the electronic signature process, and this is where PuenteSIGN provides the solution.

Moreover, currently, with WFH and social distancing imposed by Covid-19, PuenteSIGN is your great ally.

Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, dated July 23, 2014, distinguishes three types of electronic signatures based on the necessary level of security and legality:

What does the Electronic Signature with PuenteSIGN offer your company?

Simple Electronic Signature

The Simple Electronic Signature is basically what is known as a check in a box. It is usually used to accept the terms and conditions of sale on a website, to give opt-in consent, to validate a form, etc.

It often involves registering on a website and, in any case, does not allow for conclusive proof of the signer’s identity. 

Advanced Electronic Signature

The Advanced Electronic Signature allows for unequivocal identification of the signer and ensures the integrity of the signed document, meaning it can demonstrate that the electronically signed document is exactly the same as the original and has not been altered or tampered with.

Additionally, the Advanced Electronic Signature guarantees non-repudiation at the origin, as the data used by the signer to perform the signature is unique and under his exclusive control, preventing him from retracting later.

Finally, for the electronic signature to have probative value, the process must involve a trusted third party, in this case, PuenteSIGN.

The Advanced Electronic Signature is used to sign rental contracts, confidentiality agreements, loans, service contracts, insurance policies, in HR, employment contracts, medical review waivers, form 145, minutes, etc.

Qualified Electronic Signature

The Qualified Electronic Signature is the only one that can be considered legally equivalent to a handwritten signature and requires that your company’s attorney have a digital certificate issued by the FNMT or other recognized entity.  It is essential for digital procedures with Public Administration. 

How does PuenteSIGN work?

PuenteSIGN is a platform that legally digitizes and authenticates the advanced electronic signature process. It also stores electronically signed documents in an organized, secure, and accessible manner for both the signature requester and the signer.

It only requires a PDF document to sign, the signer’s email, mobile phone, ID number, first and last name. The platform provides the signer with a procedure via email link to view and sign the document using an OTP.

Once the document is signed, the platform generates a certificate that identifies the original signed document, the signer, the date and time of the signature, and the IP from which it was signed, thus generating a new document legally considered as the electronically signed one.

Every operation with PuenteSIGN carries the electronic signature of GESISA certified by the FNMT.

Complementary Features of PuenteSIGN

Manual Version:

  • Send the document to one or several people at once in parallel.
  • Document storage service.
  • Internal workflow service for signature approval
  • Signature validation by OTP.
  • Document signature traceability, checking if the final client has opened the document.
  • Internal generation of the “signature evidence” document.

Automatic version connected to your ERP:

  • Storage in the PuenteSIGN portal of the sent documents.
  • Document storage service.
  • Internal workflow service for signature approval.
  • Signature validation by OTP.
  • Tracking of the signature document, if the final client has opened the link containing the document.
  • Generation of the “signature evidence” document.